Monday, July 18, 2011

Explaining the Call (2 Weeks for 200)

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Orphan Ministry is a special calling for a special group of people. While that doesn't make it exclusive or anything of that sort, Ministry requires superhuman amounts of emotional strength and perseverance. And if you don't feel compelled or driven, you'll probably find that this isn't quite your thing. No matter, though, everybody has a different calling in life. God knows where you'd fit best, and if it's not orphan care, its not Orphan Care!

At the same time, though, I feel like not enough people- especially guys, Christian and non-believing, try and get Orphan Care. Even if they're not called to it, at the very least, care of orphans falls into  the category of Human decency.  But anyway, I digress.

The purpose of following God's call in your life is, from my humble perspective, a matter of being a prophet for it and getting the Word out. Not just THE word (cue thunder and lightning) like the Gospels, but proclaiming that which God has drawn you towards to the rest of the world.

And in order to do that, I've made a short Promo Video, explaining our mission and what we're all about.

Speaking for the Silent Promotional Video from Caleb Lococo on Vimeo.

My hope is that through this video, the blog can get more circulation in a far easier fashion. I know I write insanely long posts. I thank all of you wholeheartedly who forge through them. But in a society of tweets and 420 character Facebook Statuses, I needed something short and sweet, yet affective.

Which brings me to the meaning of the title in Parentheses. Today, Tuesday, July 19th, I'm putting out a request for everyone to share Speaking for the Silent in some way, for the final two weeks of July. Yes, I'm aware that the final Tuesday is technically August 2nd. Oh well. In those two weeks, I'm asking every single one of you to share Speaking for the Silent in some way, shape, or form, and my hope is that by the end we'd have 200 likes on Facebook. If we can get a couple more followers on blogger, or even 200 views on the Promo Video, then by all means. But the purpose of this goes beyond numbers and statistics: the purpose of this is to spread word for the Plight of the Orphan and bring as many people as we can close to what I humbly believe is a large part of the Father's heart. Let's see where we can go!

Thanks a TON in advance,



  1. I just love your passion for the Orphan. May God continue to use you in speaking for the silent.
    Joy (just home from our 3rd RR adoption)

  2. That was BEAUTIFUL!!!

    you did an awesome job on that video and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE what you guys are doing...speaking up for the least of these...for the silent ones...

    Thank you!

    And keep up the good work :)

    Jodi Lewandoski
