Sunday, July 17, 2011

Another Fantastic Family (Constant Influx)

So, for those of you who braved this post ('cause it was a long one), you'll know that the team here at S4TS have been blessed to get a chance to meet/support a large network of families in the Reece's Rainbow community who are either in the process of adopting, have completed an adoption, or are going back for a second time. They're all seriously awesome, and we love 'em to bits. Shortly after I did that post though, I had the opportunity to get in touch with another fantastic family, in the never-ending, Constant Influx of fantastic families entering adoption.

        I want y'all to meet the Lindquist Family, who are going to get....


This is a slightly more recent picture, so allow me to connect some dots for you who don't recognize Mr. McHandsome here.

Ethan's former picture looked like this:

And Josh posted about his prayer warrior child, who looks like this!

This is the Ethan JOSH HAS BEEN PRAYING FOR!!!! I was excited for him when Ethan got a family. And being that after the Reece's Rainbow get-together I friended THE Andrea Roberts on facebook (who's friends with just about everybody and their brother who knows Reece's Rainbow) I figured it might be worth a shot to see if I could find Ethan's new mom, since Josh would be ecstatic to know Ethan's new parents knew who he was and that he'd been praying them together. So as God would have it, I found and messaged Ethan's new mom Connie. And let me tell you, I LOVE this family. In the same way I admire young and childless couples for stepping out into the deep waters of adoption, I admire families who already have a child with DS and step out in faith again. The Lindquist's biological daughter blessed with the extra chromosome, Sophina, had six surgical procedures in her first six months of life. SIX procedures, people. Including open heart surgery. On a six-month-old. I did mention six procedures right?

I give the Lindquists an insane level of credit for the step of faith they're taking with Ethan. Being from one of the hardest Eastern European countries, they're going straight into the "deep end" of adoption as it were, since this country is easily one of the most expensive countries around right now open for adoption.

So, do me a favor, and go to their blog and give them an encouraging comment, re-post the Family Sponsorship Page on your Facebook/Twitter/Blog, drop some cash in their fund. Heaven knows they'd love all and any support they can get!

Speaking for the Silent, lovin' on adoptive families from January 2011 to eternity and beyond!

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